Real Wealth

Saurabh took the toughest decision of his life, He decided to shut down his restaurant, his dream project, his baby.

Reason – COVID virus.

He was serving huge debt which he had raised to support his restaurant and practically had no business since March 22nd. He just couldn’t take it anymore and decided to close it off. He decided to liquidate all his lifetime investments to square off his debt.

He had this thought “I cannot live my life under the mountain of debts”.

He thought he finally got independence from debt on independence day. But his mind was constantly doing calculations, constantly thinking – I have lost everything I saved – what’s in store – life ahead.

He decided to sit with his best friend and share his feelings.

Daily Diary.

15th Aug. Time 23:20


15th august is written with golden ink in the history of India, My own personal history too will have this date written in Golden ink.

I lost everything I had dreamt of, to have beautiful restaurants, run it with love and care. I thought love is good enough to take care of everything but eventually, it is not good enough in the world of uncertainty, Although I have my independence from the debt I still feel heavy, I don’t know what will happen to me, and my family, My risk has endangered my family too…


I know I can take this failure two way, Either I keep whining about this or I stand up again and start running. Choice I make today will define our future.

God selects few to walk on the tightrope because he knows very few have the mindset and physical strength to do the same.

I watched a documentary a few days back and they were discussing, humans can live without food for 20-25 days, probably without water for 3-4 days but there is no way a human can live without air. Then a thought struck me, Why air (Oxygen) is not commoditized, We just cannot live without AIR. Imagine the Oxygen we breathe, paying for the same. There are certain things in life that will never be understood in the way we have received it.

Same way body and health I have, Can I visit Amazon or Flipkart & purchase some health. I am lucky to have amazing health and that’s my wealth.

I feel we are programmed to see only one wealth and that is what’s my net worth but today on 15th august I have not only got independence from debt but also got independence from the limited thought I had about wealth.

If I have wealth which is perennial, This is just another bump on the road which I could not see, I will rebuild net worth from scratch since I have all other wealth in abundance. I will be careful going ahead.

I am wealthy.

Thanks diary, I know you are the best friend I have and you will always give me the best solutions.