My take on 2020-21


It is now exactly a year since the time when COVID-19 shut down the nation. Things since have still not come back to normal, and it is unlikely it will get back to normal in every way. In a way, it has possibly been one of those inflection points, one of those “reset-moments” in our lives.


I think the last year has made us all realize the true value of many things in our life. This is a collation of some random thoughts which came together during one of the days when we were locked down and cooped up last year. I hope these realizations last for me and do not get swept away when things get back to normal in the future.


It is a personal summation; in that, it is something which I think and finds relevant to me. It is my opinion and much of it may be up for debate, and maybe even disagreeable to some. The intent was not so much to reflect, it just seemed to be right to me intuitively. Lastly, the idea is not to pass judgement, but just to state them as I see them.


About Managing
Leader Team Player
Generalist Specialist
Strategy Execution
Result Process
About Communication
Talking Listening
Speaking Writing
Watching Reading
Thinking Doing
About Skills
Intelligence Empathy
Talent Hard work
Education Experience
Width Depth
Knowledge (Hard) Skills Behavioural (Soft) Skills
About Life
The Past The Future
The Future The Present
Short term Long term
Destination Journey
What people see What you are
Achievement Joy
External Appreciation Personal Satisfaction
Success Failure
Work Life
About Money
Money Purpose
Happiness Freedom
What you seek What you have
Wealth Health
Diversification Asset Allocation
About People
Relative Friend
Peer Team member
Children Spouse
Everyone else Parent
Work Family
Family Self
What they say What they do


At the end, my biggest takeaway from the last 12 months seems to be that these “reset-moments” are opportunities to step back and re-assess our priorities and make some key directional changes on how we want to live and progress going forward. Our ability to use these opportunities well will help define how we can make our life journey both enriching and enjoyable.