Big Ears

Big Ears Some people have really big ears! Well, I am one of them. My husband never tires of teasing me about them. However, I have quite convinced myself that they are God’s daily reminder asking me to ‘Talk Less…

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Moolah and Me

  Moolah and Me   A few months back, I was engaged in a casual conversation with a friend. Suddenly and quite unexpectedly she asked me, ‘Do you think about money all the time?’ Frankly, I wasn’t sure about how…

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‘Atma Nirbhar Naari’?

‘Atma Nirbhar Naari’? The pandemic and the ensuing economic crisis are subjects of grave concern to individuals, enterprises and the government. While we await the decline in the number of Covid-19 cases and the gradual revival of the economy, it…

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"People Acting Together As A Group Can Accomplish Things Which No Individual Acting Alone Could Ever Hope To Bring About"