Importance of the Right Advisor

Importance of the Right Advisor गुरु गोविंद दोऊ खड़े, काके लागू पाय । बलिहारी गुरु आपनो, जिन गोविंद दियो बताय ।। (The word ‘Guru’, in today’s context has many connotations like advisor, coach, mentor but for the sake of ease…

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Financial Lessons from Water Management By Vivek Damani

“चारो तरफ ज्ञान बँट रहा हे,जहाँ से मिले लैपेट लो”   This was a dialogue in 3 idiots – a brilliant movie that gave countless messages, one of them being the benefits of simplicity over complexity. A couple of days back, I was overwhelmed when I read a message on the University of What’s App wherein it was explained how inanimate objects have something to teach us about life.…

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"People Acting Together As A Group Can Accomplish Things Which No Individual Acting Alone Could Ever Hope To Bring About"